Our Curriculum

In our school we follow the National Curriculum and bring it to life through out project learning. 

Please follow the links for The National Curriculum

 For RE, we follow the living difference syllabus, details of which can be found here

Our phonics teaching follows Super Sonic Phonic Friends, details of which can be found here

If you would like to know more about the curriculum, please contact the school office or Mr Johnston via adminoffice@micheldever.hants.sch.uk

To see how we make the curriculum exciting and engaging for your child, you can find details of what your child will be taught each term and how under the class links.


Our Curriculum Overview

To see our curriculum overview, please click here


Our Long Term Planning Overview

We structure the curriculum into learning projects that rotate in a 2 year cycle. Please click on each year group to see their overview.

Year R/1

Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6